Ritzy Bingo
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5am-6am GMT

Each number 'box' has a hidden amount of BBs inside. The winner of the game is given the amount of BBs that is revealed within their winning box. Either keep the amount of BBs revealed 'DEAL' or try your luck with 'NO DEAL'. If you choose 'NO DEAL' the CC will use the first ball out of next game as your winning box. You could win more, or less with between 1 to 5 BBs to be won each game.
4am-5am GMT

If you Bingo on an odd number, you get 2 BBs! Bingo on an even number and you get 1 BB! Note: Only plays on the Blackout pattern.
3am-4am - 10pm-11pm GMT

Each player chooses a number. The first 3 players whose numbers connect with 2 others to form a "Connect 3" ( horizontal, diagonal or vertical) yell out 'Connect + (number)' to win 1 BBs each! Ex: for N35 -connect N33, N34, N35 or I19, N35, G51 etc.
2am-3am GMT

When Bingo is called the last five Balls called determine the Yahtzee Hand. We go by Letter's B I N G O. One Pair: 1 BBs, Two Pairs:2 BBs, Three of a Kind: 3BBs, Four of a Kind: 6 BBs, Full House: 12 BBs, Small Straight: 4 BBs, Large Straight: 10 BBs, YAHTZEE(Five of a Kind): 15 BBs. On games where there is only 1 bingo winner in chat, neighbors will receive 1BBs each.
1am-2am GMT

Pick a number from 1 - 15. This will represent your horse for the Horse Races* All you have to do is play bingo and be in chat! Payouts: 1st - 3 BBs; 2nd - 2 BBs; 3rd - 1 BB
12midnight - 1am - 6pm - 7pm GMT

Pick 8 numbers between 1 - 75. If all 8 numbers you picked are called within the first 20 calls, you win 32 BBs! CC will announce KENO games.


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